+38(097) 776 63 40
(Кривий Ріг, Україна)
Дізнатися більше
Better Together is an inclusive creative project aimed at developing cooperation and building links between people with disabilities and without
The Christian soccer club "Penuel" started in 2005 from a great dream of one devoted person. Gradually one team grew to eleven
Compass is a Social-Christian platform for orphans and children from crisis families. There is a team of 50 volunteers who work every week
Hiding Place is the club for development and entertainment for families with kids from 1 year old till school
Recording studio. This uniquely created project offers a fully equipped recording studio, outfitted with professional equipment
Seminars, trainings, lectures, conferences on leadership, team work, personal development, volunteering, etc
So, we invite you to join us for a virtual tour of Shelter+.
«Полювання на Снарка», вистава інклюзивного мистецького проекту «Краще Разом», Театр на Подолі (Київ).

Реалізація цього проекту стала можливою завдяки фінансовій підтримці та сприянню Канадського Фонду підтримки місцевих ініціатив (Embassy of Canada in Ukraine) та Посольства Великої Британії в Україні (British Embassy Kyiv).
SHELTER+ 10 years. To be continued
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Partnership program
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The way how you can help the projects and SHELTER+ as a whole